File Folder Folio 6 - About Me/My Life

I have a new File Folder Folio to share with you today!

This folio is designed to be different for the other five I've designed. This one is for more journaling and is meant more for an individual to keep quick notes of their life, past, present, and future. You can however, add as many photos to it as you would like, they would just be smaller.

Teresa Collins designed a collection that is perfect for this project - "Hello My Name Is..."

It can be for yourself or given as a gift to someone else for that same reason.

For each month there are about 3 to 4 tags to pull, add notes to, or a photo to it with a quick note.

There are two policy pockets holding 4 x 6 cut-a-parts, or note cards. These are to record your dreams, goals or bucket list for the future in one pocket, and childhood, or past memories that may come to mind, in another.

Here you may view the project in a walk-through video of the project.

To purchase these instructions, please link to my online store at Zibbet. Thank you.

So next I want to ask you something. I've now completed the six folder folios I had initially had planned to create to fit inside the box for this series. However, I have had requests to keep designing more of them. So I'm am interested in finding out if more of you would like the same thing. Please leave a comment letting me know if you are interested in me continuing with more future folios.

Thank you for stopping by and having a look. And, happy papercrafting everyone!

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