
Christmas Card Kit 2021 #4 - Maja Design "Christmas Traditions" INSTRUCTIONS

Great to have you stop by!

Today I am showing you how to create the Mini Slim Maja Design "Christmas Traditions" cards. Some of you will have purchased the kit from Carol at Scrapbook Parade. You can still contact her to see if any kits are still available.

What you will need


  • 2 sheets of 12 x 12 Kraft cardstock
  • 1 set of sheets from the 6 x 6 Maja Design "Christmas Traditions" paper pack.
  • Kraft twine
  • Green twine
  • Red ribbon
  • 1" strip of cheese cloth


  • Paper Trimmer
  • Double sided adhesive tape
  • Liquid glue
  •  Weight of some kind
  • Glossy Accents
  • NUVO Glimmer Paste - Moonlight

Should you wish to ink the edges of the paper, I recommend a light touch with the Tim Holtz Gathered Twigs, or use a dry brush and apply white paste around the edges to look like snow. You would do this all after cutting everything out and before assembling the pieces together.


  1. Cut the 2 sheets into 8 pieces @ 6" x 6"
  2. Score each piece @ 3"
  3. Fold using a bone folder


Cut the strips to measure 5/8"H


  1. Red Diagonal Plaid - 1 @ 2 3/4" x 5 3/4", 1 @ 2 1/2" x 5 1/2"
  2. Dotted Green - 1 @ 2 3/4" x 5 3/4", 1 @ 2 1/2" x 5 1/2"
  3. Red with Boughs - 2 @ 5 1/2"W x 2 1/2"H
  4. Green Check - 1 @ 5 3/4"W x 2 3/4"H
  5. 4 Gnomes - 2 1/4"H X 5 1/4" W
  6. Holly Corner - 2 1/4"H X 5 1/4" W
  7. Red Check -  2 @ 5 3/4"W x 2 3/4"H
  8. Gnome Pattern -  2 @ 2 1/2"W X 5 1/2"H
  9.  Tree Pattern - 1 @ 2 1/4"W x 5 1/4"H, 1 @ 2"W x 5"H, 1 @ 1 3/4"W x 4 3/4"H
  10. Green Plaid1 @ 2 3/4"W x % 3/4"H, 1 @ 2 1/2"W x 5 1/2"H
  11.   Red Stripe - 1 @ 2"W x 5"H
  12. Kraft Boughs - 2"W x 5"H
  13. Gift Pattern - 2 1/2"W x 5 1/2"H


  • Red Diagonal Plaid - 5 3/4"W x 2 3/4"H
  • Dotted Green - 5 1/2"W x 2 1/2"H
  • Gnome & Pig from back - trim off from to the first outside line
  • Sentiment strip
  • Kraft twine
  • Cheese cloth


 CARD #2

The video for this card was cut off so is not included. However, it is the same as the previous card with the C-A-P and embellishment on the left side instead of the right side.

  • Red Plaid - 5 3/4"W x 2 3/4"H
  • Dotted Green - 5 1/2"W x 2 1/2"H
  • Gnome & Pig from front - trim off from to the first outside line
  • Sentiment strip
  • Kraft twine
  • Cheese cloth



  • Green Gingham - 5 3/4"W x 2 3/4"H
  • Red Bough Pattern -  5 1/2"W x 2 1/2"H
  • 4 Gnomes - 5 1/4"W x 2 1/4"H
  • Green Twine
  • Cheese Cloth



  • Green Check -5 3/4"W x 2 3/4" H
  • Red Boughs Pattern - 5 1/2"W x 2 1/2"H
  • Holly Corner - 5 1/4"W x 2 1/4"H
  • Gnome Tag
  • Green Twine


  • Red Check - 2 3/4"W x  5 3/4"H
  • Gnome Pattern - 2 1/2"W x 5 1/2"H
  • Tree Pattern - 2 1/4"W x 5 1/4"H
  • Gnome Tag
  • Red Ribbon
  • Cheese Cloth


 CARD #6

  • Red Check - 2 3/4"W x 5 3/4"H
  • Green Plaid - 2 1/2"W x 5 1/2"H
  • Tree Pattern - 2"W x 5"H
  • Gnome Tag
  • Cheese Cloth
  • Green Twine

Video problems is delaying post. Will add as soon as I can.

 CARD #7

  • Green Plaid - 2 3/4"W x 5 3/4"H
  • Gift Pattern - 2 1/2"W x 5 1/2"H
  • Kraft Boughs - 2"W x 5"H
  • Gnome Tag
  • Cheese Cloth
  • Green & Kraft Twine


  • Red Stripe -
  • Gnome Pattern - 2 1/2"W x 5 1/2"H
  • Dotted Red - 
  • Tree Pattern - 1 3/4"W x 4 3/4"H
  • 2 Die-cut Trees
  • Kraft Twine

Video Posting Problems. Will add when can,



  • Glossyy Accents
  • NUVO Glimmer Paste -  Moonlight
  • Small Paint Brush



  • Cut Paper to 7"W x 8 1/4"H
  • Score as in video





Christmas Card Kit 2021 #4 - Maja Design "Christmas Traditions"

Hello Everyone!

A new coming kit from me made with the Maja Design "Traditional Christmas" 6 x 6 paper pad.

Such fun paper, don't you think? We are all going to have fun working with this.

The video below, is just an introductory video to the kit; maybe an enticement. There will be 35 card kits available when I have completed the design and assembly, ship to Carol, and create the instructions.

Thank you for taking the time to view this post and video. You may contact Carol at Scrapbook Parade to reserve your kit/s. I have started working on them.

Have a great weekend!


Opening Another Tresure Trove From Carol

Hello Everyone!

This video that I am going to post is one that I took a few moths ago when Carol sent me some wonderful new papers to work with. I never got around to posting it because a lot was going on in my life and I've been so very busy. I still am busy, but finally can squeeze this in! 

I have designed my own website to get some freelance Graphic Design work going. I'm looking for a job, which is a job in itself, and still being called in to my old job a few times a week. These are all like full time jobs! Any way, have some fun watching me go through the papers.

Hope you had some fun watching my reactions. I have some great ideas for these future kits, so keep a look out for them.


2021 Kit #4 - First Double Page Layout Kit of the Year!

Hello Scrapbookers!

Time for some layouts, right? It has been a while since I have some layouts, and its nice to do it again and take a break from card making. I have so many photos still to scrapbook for, and making a scrapbooking kit here and there helps getting them into an album after all these years.

This G45 paper, 'Elegance', is such lovely paper

 Layout #1 - Diagonal Photos (My sister Leona)

With this layout I am sharing with you that your thought process of decorating your layouts can change. This is what I was first thinking of doing. 

But this is how it ended up looking once I got the photos on.

Some closeup views...


 Layout #2 - Art Deco Framing (My BSU Grad Photos)

This layout is designed with paper saving in mind. Watch this video before starting this layout.

Now you can use the following photos when adding your embellishments.

Hope you liked making this one.

Layout #3 - Using Tulle to Embellish (My sister Corina)

I have twin sisters a couple of years younger than I. This is Corina, the younger of the two. She spent years working hard to accomplish her dream of becoming a ballerina. Here are some photos that my Mom had cut into ovals that I decided to use. Because of the ballet theme I chose to use tulle as an embellishment. This works great for wedding photos as well.

To cut the rectangle frames, you will need to follow the instructions of this previously used video from another kit, but USE 1/4" WHILE CUTTING AROUND THE SAME RECTANGLE 3 or 4 TIMES.

The tulle gets wrapped around and around the 1/4" frames all around the layout. As described in the instructions. Carol has this layout if you need to have a close look at it and live in the Victoria area.

Layout #4 - Making A Bunch Of Small Photo Mats - A Collage Layout (me from 16 to 46)

This is a great way of using up photos with people in it that you may not know about or remember about. You can cut out the person you want, or cut off all the scenery around the person. It's a fun one to do, but there is a lot of photo and mat cutting. The photos after the full layout are close ups of the fussy cut flowers, leaves and butterflies; where I tucked them in, etc.

Hope this helped you put together your layouts.

I'll be doing a Christmas Card kit next! So watch for it. I think I'll use Maja Design's 'Traditional Christmas' paper for this next kit.

TY for your patience with me ladies. It was very difficult to find the time to work on this latest kit. It took me a very long time and I kept you all waiting. My sincerest apologies.


Detail Photos & Videos for Maja Design 'Miles Apart' Easel Cards

Welcome Kit Purchasers! 

This post will have some close up photos to help you in putting together your cards. There are also some videos for you. Now, this is a very long posting. I thought of separating each card in their own post, but thought finding them in one post might be easier for you. So here we go.

CARD #1 - Triple Easel Card

Triple Easel card closed - fits into a 4 1/4" x 5 1/2" card envelope

Close up of the front arrangement

 Card opened from different angles.

Close ups


CARD #2 - Center Easel Card

Card closed

Card Open

Side View

Close up views


CARD #3 - Twisted Easel Card

Card Closed

Card Open

Side View

 Back View


Close Up Views

1st VIDEO HELP - Card Base

2nd VIDEO HELP (this will also be useful for attaching the front piece on card #5)

CARD #4 - Side Easel Card

Card Closed

Card Open

Close up Views

In order to have the dark rose damask matting for both the inside base and for one of the little squares you will need to 'frame cut' it like we have done in the past for a few other cards.  (Video on how to do this is still to come)

1st VIDEO HELP- Card Base

2nd VIDEO HELP - Matt Frame Cutting

CARD #5 - Reverse Easel Card

Card Closed

Card Open

Side View

Other Views

 This is a straight forward easel card, so I did not make a video for this one.

CARD #6 - A Regluar Card

Well, that's it for this kit. Hoping that you all had the help you needed in putting together these easel cards. And now you can make a bunch more easel cards and even experiment in sizes. Have Fun!