
Card Keeper - Graphic 45's Place in Time

-something a little different for this collection from Graphic45

We can never have enough things to help us organize our card giving. The Graphic 45 "Place In Time" (12 x 12) is perfect for just this kind of a project. So using 2 BoBunny 9" x 9" canvas bound binder albums along with these beautiful papers, I came up with this. Just FYI, I only had one binder to work with until the order for everything comes in, so I had to hold up the cover for Volume Two - July through December.

On the outside of Volume One - January through June.

I needed to darken the light canvas binding a bit so I inked it with Tim Holtz Antique Linen and my ink blending tool. 

 After cutting out the 9 x 9 pages from the 12 x 12 sheets, I used what was left from them to piece together the background piece for the two front covers. You may be able to see a seem here and there.

I did the same for the little frame on the front of the sunflower paper.
Volume Two - July through December

Before I show you the pages inside, I just want to let you know that because this is something that will be frequently used and handled, I opted to keep embellishments minimal. This also would save time in class, as it will be a two day class as is. The participants will have the option to embellish as much as their hearts desire. I may add a few things myself, once the class has been completed.

I also kept the layouts basically the same with just minor changes here and there. This will keep our cutting measurements less varied and more easily put together.

So here are the pages in monthly order.

Here you will see a little pocket that has the month as a header followed by lines. This would be where you would record the birthdays for that month. then there are tags tucked in behind. These could be for additional birthdays, anniversaries, or for non-family birthdays keeping just the family birthdays on the front...something like that.

On the left, is the other side of January. This, again, is basically the same for each month page, and holds two pockets. The larger pocket holds the cards and envelopes, while the smaller pocket, behind the images and month label, is  for photos you may want to include in the cards for that month, or for gift cards to include in your cards, or just for your stamps.

So now you cans just scroll down and see all the other pages.

End of Volume One, on to Volume Two.

So that's it for all the pages. 

If you'd like to see the video about this project...

Thank you for stopping by to have a look at all the photos on this post. Hope I didn't bore you with them all.

Hugs & Happy crafting everyone!


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